Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park HQ achieves BREEAM Excellent

Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park HQ achieves BREEAM Excellent

BRE provided sustainable design consultancy for the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Headquarters.


BRE’s consultancy on the National Park Headquarters led the client to take measures to incorporate sustainability. The building was completed in 2007 and earned a BREEAM rating of Excellent.


Gardiner & Theobald is an independent construction and property consultancy for the built environment.


Guided by BRE’s consultancy, the client implemented sustainability measures at every stage.

  • The client agreed to produce a Building User Guide to ensure efficient use of the building by its occupants and technical/facilities manager.

  • It committed to source all timber responsibly from sustainably managed sources.

  • Openable windows on opposite sides of the building to increased the use of natural ventilation and gave the occupants an adequate view out on either side.

  • An energy metering strategy allowed sub-metering to be installed in each area/major energy supply in the building.

  • It provided a secure and well lit cycle rack, lockers and changing and drying facilities to encourage bicycle use.

  • Proximity detection shut-off was installed on the water supply to the WCs.

  • During the construction phase, it aimed for over half the aggregate to be recycled.


The building encompasses a high standard of sustainability through its use of renewable heat from the biomass boiler and its extensive use of natural, sustainably sourced materials. These features, along with the sustainability advice provided by the consultants at BRE helped the Headquarters building to achieve the predicted BREEAM excellent rating.

Summary Gardiner & Theobald Management Services


Gardiner & Theobald Management Services
BREEAM rating:
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