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Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP 2009)

Standard Assessment Procedure 2009 Page Description
A dedicated page to SAP 2009 information and downloads.
Standard Assessment Procedure 2009

SAP 2009 information and downloads

Building regulations

The 2009 edition of the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP 2009) applies from October 2010 for compliance with building regulations in England & Wales (Part L) and in Scotland (Section 6), and from 31 October 2012 in Northern Ireland.


Energy Performance Certificates

SAP 2009 applies to the production of Energy Performance Certificates from 17 April 2011. This applies to all countries and both to new dwellings assessed using SAP and to existing dwellings assessed using RdSAP. The details of RdSAP as it applied up to 31 March 2012 are in the amended SAP 2009 document (see below).

A revised version of RdSAP applies from 1 April 2012, for details see here.

Download the SAP 2009 document (October 2010) with amendments for RdSAP 2009 (March 2011)

Download the additional SAP conventions (September 2013)


Approved SAP 2009 software

Download the current list of approved SAP 2009 software (list dated 19 June 2014)


Approved RdSAP 2009 software

Download the current list of approved RdSAP 2009 software (list dated 12 February 2014)


Approved software for Green Deal Occupancy Assessments

Download the current list of approved OA software (list dated 28 April 2014)




External links


Green Deal Occupancy Assessments (based on SAP 2009)

Part of the Green Deal process is an occupancy assessment that takes account of the occupants’ current use of the property in order to inform about the impact of improvement measures for the specific household. SAP calculations are modified for this purpose as described in the document below. This specification, currently in use for Occupancy Assessments, will be superseded later in 2014 by a new version; for details see here


Occupancy Assessment (version October 2012) (minor revisions December 2012)

Download the current list of approved OA software (list dated 5 April 2013)


Reduced Data SAP from 1 April 2012

RdSAP has been revised so as to include additional collected data and additional recommendations for improvement. It is known as RdSAP 2009 version 9.91 and applies to all EPCs produced from 1 April 2012 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and from 1 October 2012 in Scotland. The revised EPCs support Green Deal, introduced in England, Wales and Scotland in October 2012.

RdSAP 9.91 improved the energy assessment of dwellings and provides better information on benefits from improving the energy performance of a dwelling. This was done as part of the continuing improvements of the methodology for energy assessments and to support the delivery of Green Deal policy. More information on the Green Deal is available on the DECC website



RdSAP 9.91 Summary of changes

RdSAP 9.91 Appendix S (RdSAP specification)

RdSAP 9.91 Appendix T (improvement measures)


RdSAP conventions

The current RdSAP conventions (updated December 2012) can be downloaded here.

Scotland Building Regulations Section 7: Sustainability

The spreadsheet below is used for assessing the aspect of energy for water heating within the higher levels (silver and gold) of the Scottish building standard 7.1

Scotland Section 7 calculator for water heating



Spreadsheets for SAP assessors

These spreadsheets can be used in conjunction with SAP software for the situations indicated.

Multiple wind turbines (SAP 2005 and SAP 2009)

When there is more than one wind turbine with differing hub height or rotor diameter.

Download spreadsheet for multiple wind turbines


Two photovoltaic types (SAP 2005)

When there are two PV types with differing kWp, orientation, pitch or shading.

Download spreadsheet two PV types


Multiple MEV systems (SAP 2005 and SAP 2009)

When there are two centralised MEV systems, or a centralised MEV system and decentralised MEV.

Download spreadsheet for multiple MEVs

Community systems with multiple fuels (SAP 2009, Scotland)

When there is a community heating scheme using more than one fuel and the SAP software says that the spreadsheet must be used.

Download spreadsheet for Scotland community TER


Flue Gas and Waste Water Heat Recovery (SAP 2009)

If the SAP software does not handle these items, the following spreadsheets can be used and the resulting energy savings entered into the SAP software as a Special Feature (Appendix Q).

Download spreadsheet for FGHRS (v 1.08a, 4 Feb 2011)
Download spreadsheet for WWHRS (v 1.08a, 30 Jun 2011)