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Standard Assessment Procedure SAP 10

SAP10 Page Description
This site hosts documents and information relating to version 10 of the Standard Assessment Procedure SAP 10.

SAP 10.2, in conjunction with the 2019 edition of BRE 443, is to be used for Building Regulations purposes in England from June 2022 and in Wales from November 2022. Other administrations are expected to adopt it soon as part of their regulatory updates.

The specification for the latest edition of Reduced data SAP, RdSAP10, is also given below. The fuel costs and fuel cost deflator (Table 32) and the specific SAP rating equations (Section 20 of the specification) are still under consideration, and these will be provided as soon as possible in a final version of the document. If you have any queries about this specification please direct them to

Only approved SAP software can be used for official purposes.

A list of approved software is shown under ‘downloads’, below.